Adoration is a beautiful way to show our Lord how much we love him. It’s a way to take all the cares and worries of your day and lay them at the foot of the Cross, pray for those you love or just sit in His Divine Presence in humble adoration.
The Mary Mother of God Adoration Chapel opened January 1st, 2015 on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, and is open from 2:00 p.m. Sunday’s until 8:00 a.m. on Saturday. Our primary goal from the beginning is to be Perpetual and we are working hard this year to add hours to our schedule. Another goal is to have at least two adorers per holy hour. That is a tall order, so we are always looking for new adorers and substitutes.
Adoration isn’t difficult or complicated but it can be challenging. Challenging in the sense that the act of signing up for your first holy hour or to be a sub may challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Many of our adorers weren’t sure what adoration was all about when they started but answered Christ’s invitation to spend time with him. Not a one has ever regretted that time! Many of our adorers start with one hour and sign up to be subs for other hours and so love the time they spend with Jesus that they add additional hours.
If you’re worried that you will be “trapped” in your hour we have a coordinator who oversees the schedule and assists adorers and subs with scheduling hours and finding replacements and substitutes. We also use a web-based program called AdorationPro that makes it super easy to sign up for hours, check in each hour you are scheduled and to find subs if you aren’t able to make it to your hour.
If your worry is “what do I do when I get there”, have no fear we have you covered there as well! We have a well-stocked bookcase with books on saints, prayer books, miracles, adoration, the Eucharist, you name it. Inside the chapel, we have prayer books in English and Spanish as well as a Missal in each pew. At the entrance, there are also blessed rosaries that you are welcome to keep. There is no set way to adore Jesus, the more you come to spend time with Him, the more he will guide you. Even if you just sit and adore Jesus in the quiet solitude of the chapel, he will fill your heart with his love.
Please consider this your formal invitation to spend time with Jesus, in one of the most personal and intimate ways. Jesus is here and he is calling you to join him.