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Adult Formation: Sunday Sessions

Dear Parishioners,

This weekend is the 1st Sunday of Advent; a great opportunity to prepare to celebrate the coming of the Son of God as man.

Let’s do something truly special. There are so many good things to choose from. Here is a list of suggestions:

Check out for some great Advent suggestions for the kids, teens, adults, and for the whole family.

Watch your inbox also for inspiring Advent activities that I will be sending via Flocknote.

Attend adult formation Sunday sessions (6 PM at Room C, St. Aloysius Church Basement). Here’s a schedule of classes and topics:

Sunday, December 4: Why Do I Need the Church? The Church is both human and divine, earthly and heavenly, and has three visible bonds of community: the bond of apostolic succession through the bishops who maintain the fraternal harmony of God’s family; the bond of a common celebration of worship, particularly in the sacraments; and finally, the bond of profession the one faith received from the Apostles. Is the Church necessary for salvation?

Sunday, December 11: Mary and the Saints. Catholics honor Mary and the saints as models to imitate and we give glory to God for the great work he accomplished in their lives. Mary is the spiritual mother for all Christians. Because of her complete cooperation with Jesus’s redemptive work, she continually intercedes on our behalf before her Son. At the end of her earthly life, Mary was given the unique privilege of being assumed body and soul into Heaven, anticipating the resurrection fo all Christ’s faithful at the end of time. How are our relationships with Mary and the saints?

Sunday, December 18: The Last Things. Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell are not necessarily topics that people like to think of or discuss. However, at the end of time, Christ will come again in glory, our bodies will be resurrected, and all humanity will face the Last Judgement, in which the truth of each man’s relationship with God will be made known and the consequences of each person’s actions will be revealed. Are we preparing ourselves for this moment?

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