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Madison Diocesan Eucharistic Congress

Friday, Sept. 29 - Sunday, Oct. 1, 2023

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church,

Waunakee, WI

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Encounter Jesus in the Eucharist!

Encounter describes the Madison Diocesan Eucharistic Congress in a nutshell. And an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist resembles the encounter on the road to Emmaus. Imitate the two disciples of Luke 24 when you take the road to Waunakee. Like them, you will encounter Jesus in many ways.

You will walk with Him…for up to three days. Like the disciples, your heart will burn for a deeper union with Jesus in an ongoing conversion. You will talk about Jesus to each other and hear the Word. You will see Him in the breaking of the bread, the Eucharist. Finally, you will leave the Congress with a desire to proclaim the faith to others.

The Wonder of Encountering Jesus

Look at Matthias Stom’s painting, Supper at Emmaus. It’s a snapshot capturing the moment when the two disciples on the left suddenly realize that the man on the right, is Jesus. Their eyes wide open, they reach out to touch Him, but, the next moment, He quickly disappears. He left, but He imprinted them with a deeper, spiritual faith. For us, He is always present in the Eucharist. We live in a state of wonder. And we take steps to encounter Him, waiting for us in His Sacrament of Love.

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