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Young Adults Encounter Night!

“Every Holy Mass, heard with devotion, produces in our souls marvelous effects, abundant spiritual and material graces which we ourselves, do not know.” Padre Pio ~Feast date September 23rd

Young Adults Group: Join us for our next Encounter night on Thursday, September 23rd. We will be attending the Thursday night Mass at St. Mary Health of the Sick in Merrimac! Adoration & Confessions begin at 5 pm until Benediction at 6:45 with Mass following at 7 pm. We'll have food & drinks after Mass either outdoors, (weather permitting), or in the Church basement! See you there!

*Just a note that Hwy 78 is still under construction. You can get to Merrimac on 78, although it is, (technically), open to local traffic only. Otherwise, take the Ferry!

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