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Young Adults Group- Guest Speaker!

"When the Spirit of truth comes He will guide you to all truth . . ." (John 16:14)

Young Adults, join us on Thursday, January 12th at 7 PM at the Dorf Haus in Roxbury for our monthly Engage night! This month, we will have guest speaker Dr. John Joy, Doctor of Sacred Theology, giving a talk on his recently published book Disputed Questions on Papal Infallibility.

The Church's teaching on Papal Infallibility is something commonly misunderstood not only by those outside the Church, but by many Catholics as well; ranging from an extreme viewpoint in which almost every utterance of the Pope is considered, (at least practically), infallible, to the equally dangerous tendency to interpret the conditions for Papal infallibility so restrictively as to render the dogma almost meaningless. Dr. Joy's talk will seek to give greater clarity on this topic.

Join us for a night of fellowship with other Young Catholics, an engaging and informative talk, as well as free appetizers!

As always, Adoration & Confession is available across the street at St.Norbert's from 5-7 pm.

Questions? Want to join our Flocknote group?

Links to Dr. Joy's books & articles:

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