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Family Catechesis

Let us ALL learn our Faith!

  • Started Oct 4, 2023
  • From 50 US dollars
  • Pastorate 8 (St. Aloysius and St. Norbert churches)

Available spots

Service Description

Welcome to the Religious Education program registration page for Pastorate 8, which includes Divine Mercy, St. Norbert, and Holy Cross parishes. We are excited to offer you a new and innovative way of learning and living the Catholic Faith: Family Catechesis. Family Catechesis is a program that invites the whole family to participate in religious education, not just the children. It is based on the principle that parents are the primary educators of their children in the faith, and that the family is the domestic church where faith is nurtured and practiced. Family Catechesis aims to support and empower parents in their role as catechists, and to foster a culture of faith and prayer within the family. Family Catechesis consists of monthly sessions where families gather together for fellowship, prayer, catechesis, and activities. Each session will have a theme that corresponds to the liturgical year and the curriculum of the parish. Families will also receive materials and resources to continue their faith formation at home throughout the month. Family Catechesis is open to all families with children in grades PreK-8 who are registered members of Pastorate 8. The sessions will be held at either St. Aloysius Church or St. Norbert Church on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 5:30 pm to 7 pm, starting from October 2023. The cost of the program is $50 per family for the whole year, $100 if you have a child who is going to receive First Communion, $150 if you have a child who is going to be Confirmed, or $200 if you have both children who are going to receive their First Communion and be Confirmed. To register for Family Catechesis, please fill out the online form below by September 30, 2023. You will need to provide your contact information and your children's names and ages. You will also need to agree to the terms and conditions of the program, which include attending all sessions and completing home assignments. We look forward to seeing you and your family at Family Catechesis. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at or call us at (608) 643-2449. May God bless you and your family!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel, please contact us at least half an hour in advance.

Contact Details

1 (608) 643-2449

St Aloysius Catholic Church, 115 Madison Street, Sauk City, WI, USA

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